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How to complete the Amanbo Supplier verification?

Supplier Verification is Amanbo seller information verification, it can improve the integrity of the seller's certification.

Before the seller get certification, the seller can publish 8 products. After the seller get certification, the seller can unlimited publish product.

At the same time, the seller certification logo will be lighted after the seller got the certification. Buyers can view the seller certification status when they searching the products.

Unverfied supplier sample:

Verfied supplier sample:

1. It is easy to enter the seller certification page.

Click the“ Unrified Supplier

2. After enter Amanbo Supplier Verfication page, please fill in the seller's company information, and then click .

Note: the more comprehensive information you had submitted, the more quickly the audit passes.

3. After submitted the certification information, you can enter "Company & Online Shop" from "Supplier Center" to view the progress of the audit and submit the company information. Amanbo administrator will audit the information within 2 hours of working day.

5. The audit result will send to you by e-mail or message, please pay attention to check it. After completed the audit, the page will display like this. If you find any mistake or you need to refresh your company’s information, please click "Reapply" to apply the audit again. Once you succeed to get verified, you can select "Publish Products" to unlimited publish products.


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